2024 Planner line up

2024 Planner line up

So, full disclosure... this wasn't my original line up for 2024. Yes, it's barely the end of January and I've already had a switch around! But that's standard for us planner addicts isn't it?


These are my main planners for this year. The ones I use on a daily/weekly basis:

  • A5 Filofax Malden - my catch-all planner. This baby holds everything. The main sections are my monthly, weekly and daily inserts. I don't keep a separate planner for work vs. personal tasks and daily bits as because I work from home everything tends to be one big blur! 
  • B6 Aura Estelle Cloud - I have vertical weekly inserts in here. This is my "pretty" planner where I use stickers most. I find that I can't be both pretty AND functional. So instead I back plan each week, pulling information from my other planners.
  • B6 Moterm - this houses my stalogy journal. Last year I managed to journal every single day, this year, well, not so much. Hopefully when things aren't so hectic I can get back into it though! Sometimes entries are full of washi and decoration, other times it's just pen. I'm learning to accept and even enjoy the variation.

I do also have a pocket planner which I use in my bag as a purse. That holds simple week on 2 page inserts with any appointments and information I might need when out and about.


I also have to admit that none of these are fully set up with dividers and decoration as I'd like them to be. They are functional though, and I guess that's what matters most! I'll be back with flip throughs when they are!

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